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Product Review: Venture Wipes

Anne Cox

Off grid camping presents a variety of challenges. I am all about roughing it, but do like to slide into bed in at least a semi-clean state. You may be familiar with the baby wipe “bath” that leaves you feeling not-so-clean. When the Venture Wipes arrived in the mail, I initially poo-pooed the idea of a “shower” wipe. After all, aren’t all little disposable soapy cloths the same, and in my opinion, inadequate?

Nope, Venture Wipes are large and strong enough to clean a whole body and more as you can rinse and reuse on your dog or gear. The 12x12 cloths

A picture of a man holding a 12 inch square Venture wipe

are individually packaged and come in packages of 10 ($12.95) or 25 ($27.95). We ordered through Amazon and paid $15.95 with free shipping in May 2020 but they are now listed at $12.95.

Back to that camping challenge: I was hot, muggy, buggy, and smoky = feeling disgusting by the end of the day. Venture Wipes took it all away and made me feel like a human again. The thing I was most impressed with was that I felt clean and not covered with soap or chemicals. I now keep a rinsed one handy and I can pop in the teardrop at night with clean feet instead of dusty camp feet. The company’s website says, “There really is no reason to settle for harsh chemicals to clean your body. That is exactly why we ensured that Venture Wipes are infused with natural ingredients like Aloe, Vitamin E, and Tree Oil. This knocks out the funk, while giving your skin that oh-so-clean feeling.” I must say that I agree.

This is an unsolicited review, this product was purchased and was used by us while camping.

To get your own pack of Venture Wipes, click the image below.

This article was previously published in the September/October 2020 issue of Cool Tears & Tiny Campers Magazine.


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