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Back 2 School Camping Therapy

Sarah Tucker

Letter from the Editor: Sarah Tucker

Well it's that time of year! Back to School has come and gone with a lot of changes at our house. We have a 4th grader and a 6th grader now and it is true that each year is flying faster than the year before. More than that, I accepted a job in the behavior department of my daughters school. While the position is not stressful, it is intense and is not easy to simply walk away from it at the final bell. Enter camping! I've always enjoyed camping but now I realize it's greater power of relaxation and ability to connect with my family in a deeper way.

That is why the September issue of Cool Tears is coming to you one week early! Labor Day weekend will find our family back in the Missouri Ozarks (no, not the Netflix show) camping on Taneycomo Lake. I plan to sit back, relax, read a book, trout fish with my husband and shop with my daughters. It is my hope that you find the time next weekend to get out and enjoy our beautiful world whether with your friend and family or solo. It's worth the effort to get out and connect with nature.

This issue is packed full of great stories about traveling to find the perfect picture, rehabbing a large teardrop and a behind the scenes look at an up-and-coming big name in the custom built manufacturing world.

Do you have a great story you'd like to see featured in Cool Tears? We are constantly seeking great material so be sure to email with your story idea!

Until next time…enjoy every sunrise!


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Lisa Adams, Editor {} {269.779.9909} {Lawrence, MI}

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