Fantastic Fan Giveaway!
This giveaway has now ended.
The great folks at Dometic sent a Fantastic Fan 3350 for our teardrop build and along with it they sent a FREE one to give away to one of our readers.
This fan came put together and ready to install. I built the camper with a 14.5" square hole in the middle of the roof and ran standard 12 volt wiring through the roof spars. Once the fan arrived, I dry fitted the fan and connected the wiring (which shockingly worked the first time!) A little butyl tape for waterproofing and several screw later, the fan was in and functional. In time, I might install a window a/c unit in the teardrop, but for now this tiny yet powerful fan is doing a FANTASTIC (pun intended) job at moving air in the camper. I am anxious to use it this spring in Texas to see just how comfortable it can make the cabin in hotter temps. This fall we camped with a small electric heater in the cabin and by opening the vent just a bit along with the side windows just a smidge, I was able to alleviate fear of carbon monoxide and keep the condensation level at a minimum.
Watch a brief video on the install here:
Some details on the fan directly from the Dometic website: Roof vent with white dome, 400 X 400 MM, lightweight, compact, durable vent fan seals tight when not in use. Powerful fan quickly moves air in and out of the cabin. Fits standard size roof openings with built-in thermostat and a quiet operation. A rain sensor automatically closes dome when wet.
So now for the good to enter to win!
All you need to do is post a comment below with how you would use a brand new fan.
Maybe you are building a new camper, or maybe you have a camper that needs renovation or maybe you just want to upgrade the fan you currently have in your camper. Whatever your plan is, just write it below.
One week from today, January 17,
a randomizer will choose the winner!