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Teardrop build for a shop class

Sarah Tucker

Michael Cubberley is a rookie shop teacher with a passion to have a real impact in the lives of his students. He spent part of the year having them build small projects but the biggest project is a teardrop camper that the students are building to sell to pay for next years camper and also make a profit to build the program.

The class excitement and level of engagement has gone through the roof. Michael was able to raise the funds needed simply by putting the word out what he was doing. Donations poured in as parents and friends of students helped spread the word.

The teardrop is really coming along as the students work through each and every step. Michael has challenged them to come up with unique (not copycat) ideas and they have put into practice skills learned throughout the year.

Michael is blogging this process at


In the Words

of the Founder

Reading has always been my own way of relaxing and getting away. So it was with much anticipation that I downloaded Stephen Shives " Breaking Camp: How a Backyard Project Became a Nationwide Family Business with a Mission" on my Kindle app.

Runaway Campers was one of Cool Tears original advertisers and for several years they supported the magazine. It has been fascinating to watch Runaway grow and expand while staying true to their ideals.

Stephen expertly wove the story of Runaway Campers through the pages of this narrative and included many inspirational thoughts. What a true example of perseverance and passion he has shown both for family and this family-run business. He did not shy away from speaking about his weaknesses but shows how he has grown through each situation.

"Breaking Camp" is worth the time and would make the perfect camping weekend read!

The book is available on Amazon Kindle or a hard copy can be ordered directly from Runaway.

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Lisa Adams, Editor {} {269.779.9909} {Lawrence, MI}

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